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Verbose objects are capable of logging important events to any PSR-3 compatible logger such as Monolog, Analog, or the included Screen Logger. Logging is especially useful for monitoring the progress of the underlying learning algorithm in real-time.

Set the Logger#

To set the logger pass in any PSR-3 compatible logger instance:

public setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) : void

Return the Logger#

Return the logger or null if not set:

public logger() : ?LoggerInterface

use Rubix\ML\Regressors\Adaline;
use Rubix\ML\Loggers\Screen;

$estimator = new Adaline();

$estimator->setLogger(new Screen('example'));

[2020-08-05 04:26:11] INFO: Learner init Adaline {batch_size: 128, optimizer: Adam {rate: 0.01, momentum_decay: 0.1, norm_decay: 0.001}, alpha: 0.0001, epochs: 100, min_change: 0.001, window: 5, cost_fn: Huber Loss {alpha: 1}}
[2020-08-05 04:26:11] INFO: Training started
[2020-08-05 04:26:11] example.INFO: Epoch 1 - Huber Loss {alpha: 1}: 0.36839299586132
[2020-08-05 04:26:11] example.INFO: Epoch 2 - Huber Loss {alpha: 1}: 0.0018235958273629
[2020-08-05 04:26:11] example.INFO: Epoch 3 - Huber Loss {alpha: 1}: 0.0017358090553563
[2020-08-05 04:26:11] example.INFO: Training complete