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Report Generators#

Report generators output detailed reports from a validation set and a set of predictions. They are used in cross-validation to ascertain the generalization performance of an estimator.

Generate a Report#

To generate a report from the predictions of an estimator given the ground truth labels:

public generate(array $predictions, array $labels) : Report

use Rubix\ML\Reports\ConfusionMatrix;

$predictions = $estimator->predict($dataset);

$report = new ConfusionMatrix();

$results = $report->generate($predictions, $dataset->labels());

Report Objects#

The results of a report will be returned in a Report object whose attributes can be accessed like an associative array. In addition, report objects can be echoed to the terminal or even written to a file.

Printing the Report#

To display the human-readable form of the report, you can echo it out to the terminal.

echo $results;
    "dog": {
        "dog": 12,
        "cat": 3,
        "turtle": 0
    "cat": {
        "dog": 2,
        "cat": 9,
        "turtle": 1
    "turtle": {
        "dog": 1,
        "cat": 0,
        "turtle": 11

Accessing Report Attributes#

You can access individual report attributes by treating the report object as an associative array.

$accuracy = $results['accuracy'];

Encoding the Report#

To return a JSON encoding that can be written to a file, call the toJSON() method on the report object.

public toJSON(bool $pretty = true) : Encoding

$encoding = $report->toJSON();