Leaky ReLU#
Leaky Rectified Linear Units are activation functions that output x
when x is greater or equal to 0 or x
scaled by a small leakage coefficient when the input is less than 0. Leaky rectifiers have the benefit of allowing a small gradient to flow through during backpropagation even though they might not have activated during the forward pass.
# | Name | Default | Type | Description |
1 | leakage | 0.1 | float | The amount of leakage as a proportion of the input value to allow to pass through when not inactivated. |
use Rubix\ML\NeuralNet\ActivationFunctions\LeakyReLU;
$activationFunction = new LeakyReLU(0.3);
A. L. Maas et al. (2013). Rectifier Nonlinearities Improve Neural Network Acoustic Models. ↩