Fuzzy C Means#
A distance-based soft-clustering algorithm that allows samples to belong to multiple clusters if they fall within a fuzzy region controlled by the fuzz hyper-parameter. Like K Means, Fuzzy C Means minimizes the inertia cost function, however, unlike K Means, FCM uses a batch solver that requires the entire training set to compute the update to the cluster centroids at each step.
Interfaces: Estimator, Learner, Probabilistic, Verbose, Persistable
Data Type Compatibility: Continuous
# | Name | Default | Type | Description |
1 | c | int | The number of target clusters. | |
2 | fuzz | 2.0 | float | Determines the bandwidth of the fuzzy area. |
3 | epochs | 300 | int | The maximum number of training rounds to execute. |
4 | minChange | 1e-4 | float | The minimum change in the inertia for the algorithm to continue training. |
5 | kernel | Euclidean | Distance | The distance kernel used to compute the distance between sample points. |
6 | seeder | PlusPlus | Seeder | The seeder used to initialize the cluster centroids. |
use Rubix\ML\Clusterers\FuzzyCMeans;
use Rubix\ML\Kernels\Distance\Euclidean;
use Rubix\ML\Clusterers\Seeders\Random;
$estimator = new FuzzyCMeans(5, 1.2, 400, 1., new Euclidean(), new Random());
Additional Methods#
Return the c computed centroids of the training set:
public centroids() : array[]
Return an iterable progress table with the steps from the last training session:
public steps() : iterable
use Rubix\ML\Extractors\CSV;
$extractor = new CSV('progress.csv', true);
Returns the inertia at each epoch from the last round of training:
public losses() : float[]|null
J. C. Bezdek et al. (1984). FCM: The Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm. ↩